Lawn care and Landscaping
Would like a college or high school student to do mowing/landscaping. In future could involve handyman/handykid work around the house also. Experience is great but not required. I do not want professionals, you must be a student and have English as your first language. When and how long you work are very flexible with about 5 to 7 hours per week. But on some days even an hour or two can be very useful. I will train when necessary. Rate of pay is open and related to performance but most likely be from $15.00 to $20.00 per hour. Drink and food also provided. Obviously this is not a one time specific job. In past I often used former students who then worked for me for 3 or so years. Work location is 3 miles from campus right near Rt. 95 and off of Rt. 896 so access to a car is very desirable/required. Contact:
I'm interested send me an email at