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What is Backyard Gig?
Founded in 2020 by University of Delaware students, Backyard Gig is a service marketplace where local households & small businesses can post various gigs (like building furniture, doing yard work, or even building a website for your business) and local & trusted college students can complete those tasks for an agreed-upon wage.
Our mission is to bridge the gap between college students and the community so that they can help each other get more done!
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Why Should You Find Gigs on Backyard Gig?
Earn Cash When You Need It
With Backyard Gig, students can find work to do on their own time and make some extra money!
Instant Payments
You do not need to wait two weeks to get paid. Complete a task and get paid instantly and hassle-free!
Balance School & Work
Have the ability to balance your course load with your work life without having to sacrifice either!
Backyard Gig Works in Three Simple Steps

Tony Johnson, Local Student
I love Backyard Gig! I am able to work whenever I want, doing whatever I want while still having time to manage my homework and clubs! Best part is, I can make money quickly and easily by helping people in my area!
How Do I Find a Task on the Site?Finding a task is very simple! Just follow the steps listed below! Log into your Backyard Gig account. If you don’t have one, you can create one by clicking “Sign Up.” Make sure to use your university email. Click on the “Find/Post a Gig” tab to go to the different task categories. Find a category that interests you or you are skilled at. Enquire about the tasks that you would like to do with the local community member who posted them!
How Do I Get Paid Using Backyard Gig?Currently our site does not have the functionality for online payments so you will get paid directly by the household/business. That being said, we are currently in development of the necessary functionalities for online payment. Stay tuned!
Are the Tasks Paid by the Hour or by the Project?This is something that is dependent on the local community member. Some tasks will be ones that payment by the project is adequate whereas others will more likely be by the hour. To check if the task is by the hour or project, read the task’s description which should mention the amount being offered.
Does Backyard Gig Offer Transportation?Unfortunately, we do not offer transportation to the task sites. This is something you will have to discuss with the local community member. In many cases, community members will offer transportation to and from the task site but if they do not, you will have to find your own transportation.
Why Should I Use Backyard Gig and Not Get a Part-Time Job?At Backyard Gig, you are your own boss. This means that you can work on your own time and not have to work when your employer wants you to work. This allows for a lot more flexibility in your schedule as a college student.
What Kind of Tasks Can I Do on Backyard Gig?At Backyard Gig, you can find any type of task to do. Households will post their tasks in the allocated categories on the site which are: Handyman Tasks, Yard Work and Removal Tasks, Around the House Tasks, Tutoring Help Tasks, Graphic & Website Design Tasks, Social Media Marketing Tasks, Event Help Tasks, and Other Tasks. If there is a type of task that interests you, chances are that it is on our site!
Will I Be an Employee of Backyard Gig?Students who work from Backyard Gig are independent contractors and not employees of Backyard Gig. As independent contractors, students have the flexibility to set their own schedules.
What’s Required to Work on Backyard Gig?To work on Backyard Gig, you must: Be a university student (must use ".edu" email to sign up) Be at least 18 years old Have some sort of identification (Student ID card, Driver's License, etc.) to verify your identity to the household/business Have a Backyard Gig account in good standing
How Do I Contact a Local Community Member After Seeing Their Job Posting?There are two ways to contact a local community member about doing their task. The first is to comment underneath their initial post. This will give them a notification that you replied. The second is to direct message them through our platform messaging service. This can be done by clicking on the community member's profile and clicking on the messaging icon underneath their profile. This will pull up the direct chat box in the bottom right so that you can directly message them regarding the task. We recommend the second option to preserve confidentiality and to better the chances of you getting the task.
Still Have More Questions?If you still have a question about the site, feel free to reach out to us here. You can also watch How-To Videos on our YouTube page.
How Do I Know the Person I Am Hiring Is a Student?To confirm the person you are hiring is a student, we ask that students sign up with their ".edu" email addresses. This way, we can ensure that they are enrolled at their respective university.
How Do I Hire a Student on the Site?Hiring a student is very simple! Just follow the steps listed below!: Log into your Backyard Gig account. If you don’t have one, you can create one by clicking “Sign Up.” Click on the “Find/Post a Gig” tab to go to the different task categories. Find your task category and click “Create a New Post.” Type your task out! Make sure to include important details such as what the task is, how far you live from the university campus and how much you are willing to pay for the task. Submit your post and soon a student will enquire about the task!
What Kind of Tasks Can I Get Done on Backyard Gig?Backyard Gig was made so that anyone with any type of task can get them done! Currently, we have the following categories: Handyman Tasks, Yard Work and Removal Tasks, Around the House Tasks, Tutoring Help Tasks, Graphic & Website Design Tasks, Social Media Marketing Tasks, Event Help Tasks, and Other Tasks. If you have questions about what category your task would fall under, please feel free to ask our admin using the chat feature on our website or through the contact form!
How Do I Edit, Delete or Share My Post?"If you have posted something, to edit it scroll to the right of the post until you see the three dots. After clicking it, you should see four options: Following Post Share Post Edit Post Delete Post “Following post” means that you will get a notification if somebody responds to your post. “Share post” allows you to share to Facebook, Twitter or copy a link of the post. “Edit post” allows you to make changes to your post. Finally, “Delete post” will delete your post.
How Can I Trust the Student I Hire?We go through a thorough review process which ensures that the students using the site are hardworking, reliable and trustworthy. This is so that you can live stress-free and allow them to do your tasks easily and safely! Also, all students are required to sign up with their ".edu" emails, ensuring they are students of their respective university.
What Method of Payment Do I Use to Pay the Student?Currently our site does not have the functionality for online payment so currently you will have to pay the student directly when you meet them. That being said, we are currently in development of the necessary functionalities for online payment. Stay tuned!
Do I Have To Pick Up the Student For the Task?This is a question whose answer is up to you as well as the student. You can add on your post that you can pick up the student or you can say that they have to find their own transportation to and from the task site. This makes it clear for the students the expectations of the task so the students that enquire are the ones that clear those requirements.
Can I Rehire a Student?Certainly! The easiest way to do this is to follow the student on the site so that you can message them individually. This way, if you want that student to do a task for you again, you can individually message them instead of posting publicly on the site for other students to see it.
Can I Hire More Than One Student?That is correct! When creating the task’s description, you can certainly add that you would like more than one student to do the tasks such as saying that you require 2 or 3 students for the task. This way, students will know that they can ask their friend or someone they know to help them complete the task, as long as they are trustworthy and reliable.
Still Have More Questions?If you still have a question about the site, feel free to reach out to us here. You can also watch How-To Videos on our YouTube page.
How Do I Hire a Student on the Site?Hiring a student is very simple! Just follow the steps listed below!: Log into your Backyard Gig account. If you don’t have one, you can create one by clicking “Sign Up.” Click on the “Find/Post a Gig” tab to go to the different task categories. Find your task category and click “Create a New Post.” Type your task out! Make sure to include important details such as what the task is, how far you live from the university campus and how much you are willing to pay for the task. Submit your post and soon a student will enquire about the task!
What Kind of Tasks Can I Get Done on Backyard Gig?Backyard Gig was made so that anyone with any type of task can get them done! Currently, we have the following categories: Handyman Tasks, Yard Work and Removal Tasks, Around the House Tasks, Tutoring Help Tasks, Graphic & Website Design Tasks, Social Media Marketing Tasks, Event Help Tasks, and Other Tasks. If you have questions about what category your task would fall under, please feel free to ask our admin using the chat feature on our website or through the contact form!
How Do I Edit, Delete or Share My Post?"If you have posted something, to edit it scroll to the right of the post until you see the three dots. After clicking it, you should see four options: Following Post Share Post Edit Post Delete Post “Following post” means that you will get a notification if somebody responds to your post. “Share post” allows you to share to Facebook, Twitter or copy a link of the post. “Edit post” allows you to make changes to your post. Finally, “Delete post” will delete your post.
How Can I Trust the Student I Hire?We go through a thorough review process which ensures that the students using the site are hardworking, reliable and trustworthy. This is so that you can live stress-free and allow them to do your tasks easily and safely! Also, all students are required to sign up with their ".edu" emails, ensuring they are students of their respective university.
What Method of Payment Do I Use to Pay the Student?Currently our site does not have the functionality for online payment so currently you will have to pay the student directly when you meet them. That being said, we are currently in development of the necessary functionalities for online payment. Stay tuned!
Do I Have to Pick up the Student for the Task?This is a question whose answer is up to you as well as the student. You can add on your post that you can pick up the student or you can say that they have to find their own transportation to and from the task site. This makes it clear for the students the expectations of the task so the students that enquire are the ones that clear those requirements.
Can I Rehire a Student?Certainly! The easiest way to do this is to follow the student on the site so that you can message them individually. This way, if you want that student to do a task for you again, you can individually message them instead of posting publicly on the site for other students to see it.
Can I Hire More Than One Student?That is correct! When creating the task’s description, you can certainly add that you would like more than one student to do the tasks such as saying that you require 2 or 3 students for the task. This way, students will know that they can ask their friends or someone they know to help them complete the task, as long as they are trustworthy and reliable.
Still Have More Questions?If you still have a question about the site, feel free to reach out to us here. You can also watch How-To Videos on our YouTube page.
What Does the Follow Button Do?When you click the follow button, it allows you to get notifications when an update occurs to that category or post. For example, if you choose to follow the "Misc." category, then you will receive a notification whenever a new post is created in that category. To turn this off, you can simply unfollow the category or post.
How Do I Message Someone?To message someone, you can do it one of two ways. The first way is by clicking on their profile and then clicking "message". It will prompt the message option to open up and from there you can send your message. The second way is to click on the chat bubble at the bottom right hand corner of the screen. Once in the Members Chat, click "+ New Chat" and type the person you want to message. Their profile should come up and now you can message them about the task.
Still Have More Questions?If you still have a question about the site, feel free to reach out to us here. You can also watch How-To Videos on our YouTube page.