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No Summer Job? No Problem!

How Backyard Gig Can Help Students in the Summer!

School is officially out for many college students. At the University of Delaware, students had their final exams last week meaning they are now done for their Spring Semester!

Summer is usually a time for relaxation but also a time for students to work. Whether it's a part-time job or an internship, many students focus on earning money during their break.

However, sometimes it can be hard getting an internship, especially with many having to be canceled due to the global pandemic.

But is there a way for students to earn money on their own time during the Summer?

Yes! With the Help of Backyard Gig!

We aren't going anywhere during the Summer! If you're a University of Delaware student, you can still find tasks to complete during the summer to earn some extra money!

All you have to do is go on the site, sign up with your udel email and find tasks you are able to do!

Want to earn money on your own time during the summer? No problem! Become a Student Tasker on Backyard Gig! Click here to get started!


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