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Rainy Days 🌧🏡

This Summer Has Brought Heat, Humidity and Many Rain Showers Along With It

Summer is running its course this year and it's making sure we don't forget it. So far, we've seen highs hitting the 90s in Fahrenheit along with humidity and the occasional storm or rain shower.

It's no surprise that we've seen our yards and gardens thriving! After spending countless days inside due to the ongoing pandemic, it's refreshing to be able to appreciate nature in all its beauty.

That being said, this has caused our yards to grow extremely quickly. Of course, many people have the time to simply take their lawnmower out and cut the grass themselves. However, others just don't have the time or ability to do so.

So, what is an affordable solution to this problem?

Hiring a Student on Backyard Gig!

Although we're in the summer, there are always students ready to help you out!

All you have to do is go on the site, post your yard work task with a basic description, and how much you are willing to pay and a college student will quickly inquire about your task!

Need help with your lawn? No problem! With Backyard Gig, you can easily find qualified local college students to help you! Click here to get started!


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